Fig. 4. Myriocin activates the transcription of TFEB-induced autophagy and lipid metabolism related genes in CF and healthy broncho epithelial cells. Quantification of the expression of genes involved in autophagy and cell lipid transport/metabolism: A, Lamp alternative splicing derived mRNA levels (Lamp2a, Lamp2b, Lamp2c);B, Fatp1; C, CPT1a, CPT1b and; D, AcadL, AcadM and AcadS by qRT-PCR in CF cells and healthy cells, treated and untreated with Myr (24 hours). All data are expressed as meanąSE (* p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001; **** p<0.0001); twotailed unpaired Student's Ttest for Fig. 4B and Anova followed by Bonferroni post-test for all other Figures.